How Artificial Intelligence is Going to Impact the Way You Live in 2018

How Artificial Intelligence is Going to Impact the Way You Live in 2018
Posted on 10th January 2018

How exactly can Artificial Intelligence influences people’s lives? Now, that’s a topic to be discussed. AI has been the most sensationally debated topic the previous year. The integration of people & artificial intelligence along with devices having the ability to sense and enhance people’s way of living life is the next radical step of evolution. Experts say that 2018 could be the year where AI takes a huge step forward and sweeps us off our feet. Let’s have a glimpse of the 4 important ways AI could improve our standards of living.

  • Virtual Assistant Gets to Everybody

    Personal Assistants are the perfect examples of how intelligent AI can grow. Personal Assistants will learn more about you and your daily routines and there will be a day where AI reminds you what clothes you have to put on a particular day! Managing your daily chores becomes less difficult when you get to have a Virtual Assistant beside you.

  • Devices start to Take a Dig Inside You

    Advancements in AI will eventually make devices to become more smart and empathetic. We would soon be in a world where there are more human-like conversations and insightful thoughts from devices helping us to take decisions on whatsoever. This gives you a sense of relaxation, doesn’t it? You could be having company the entire day to keep you alive. Though, the darker side you have to remember is, an electronic device is getting to know more about you than a human being!

  • Hospitals Could Start Using AI

    Though AI has not been effectively implemented, this could be the year where AI starts to play a significant role in the healthcare field. It is expected that AI would be initially made to diagnose patients and later would be moved on to more complex fields. Patients would experience a different way of healthcare that could bring a more positive opinion on AI.

  • Personalized Media Suggestions

    Wouldn’t it be boring and hectic to have a repeated playlist or manually download songs & videos? AI could keep track of your genre and automatically adds numbers to your playlist. The best part is, you need not interfere with the process because it is your likes which are being played.

    Creating a secure and a productive environment with AI requires more preparation and work than ever. In a world where anything is possible, AI could help us build the future we want. Humanity would start the exciting journey of bringing AI into the daily lives and experience the realm of possibility.